Tappan Zee Bridge from the Bow of my Kayak day and night

Artist Name: 
Pat Slaven
Cotton Fabric, Machine Quilting
Dimensions (width x height x depth): 

Tappan Zee Bridge from the Bow of my Kayak day and night are from the days when the Tappan Zee Bridge was still part of our river and two my boat berth was upriver. I would do something in Yonkers and then late at night paddle back to put my boat bad to my Berth at the top edge of Yonkers. Night time paddling was just different. It was secretive, it was beautiful, it was mysterious. The waves would shimmer the little bits of light would flash off of the water. The Bridge and say would glow ahead in the dark. These days I rarely paddle after dark. I still remember the warm magic of paddling up river on a summer evening long after sunset. When the moon hadn't quite come up yet and everything was dark and quiet.

Price: $500.00
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